
Your Dream House


How to Improve your Sleep

A good night’s sleep is really important for your health. Sleeping well is your body’s chance to restore and replenish, and helps you to have more energy, an improved immune system and better mental health among other things.

If you are struggling with sleep here are some of the things that you can try that might help…

Get rid of Tech in the Bedroom – Using devices in bed like phones or watching the television in bed causes blue light to enter our eyes. This gets interpreted by the brain as a signal to stay awake and then this can lead to trouble getting to sleep at night.

Rather than watching tv or looking at your phone, try reading a book when you go to bed and see if it helps you to sleep.

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Replace your Bed – Your bed is crucial to getting a good night’s sleep and if you have a poor quality bed or mattress that isn’t suited to you, then you are likely to have problems sleeping as well as things like back problems. You can get a new bed even if you are on a budget from places like this pay weekly beds company www.simplypayweekly.co.uk/pay-weekly-beds/

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Try Calming Smells – Many people swear by the scents in their bedroom and of course the most popular choice for calming and helping you to get to sleep is lavender. Using it as a pillow spray or as a diffuser is a good way to get the smell into the room and help you to relax before sleep.