
Your Dream House

Home And Family
Tips and Ideas

Essential Tips For Protecting Your Home And Family

You should take the security of your home and family very seriously and make finding a good home security system a priority. Unfortunately, just getting started in this important area is sometimes confusing. Use the information in this article to get you started in the right direction.

Home And FamilyAlways change the locks after moving into a new home. There is no telling how many key copies were made and given out by a previous owner. Having a locksmith replace the locks will ensure that no strangers have a key. You should also do this if your keys ever get lost.

Home security systems are able to do more than just sounding the alarm whenever you have an intruder. They often even alert you to any time a door is opened. For families with young children, this is excellent for alerting when a child has entered or left the house.

When looking for a system to secure your home, do comparison shopping. Each company has different rates for their security system. You really owe it to yourself to solicit firm quotes from three different providers before you sit down to pick one.

Don’t let any person you don’t completely know into your house. Even if the person has a compelling story, needs help or has something to sell, they should not be given access. Some people may simply be trying to determine whether or not you have a home security installed; if you don’t, they may plan to return later if you are away from your home.

Avoid opening the door if you don’t know who is standing on the other side. You never know who they might be, despite their story. Establish a rule where you and your family only open the door for expected visitors.

Check out your garage to ensure that it is secure. You can prevent this from happening easily. A C clamp helps for garage doors on a track. The clamp actually keeps the door closed if tightened close to the track roller.

Eliminate dead vegetation and rotting wood from the yard each summer. As the summer heat rolls in, there is a higher chance that these can catch on fire, putting your home at risk. Keeping your plants and bushes trimmed will benefit your family’s safety as well as the appearance of your home.

Local Police

Take advantage of any and all security resources your local police force makes available to homeowners. They may offer things such as home inspections, engraving tool loans, and other guidance about securing your house. Call the local police department and inquire as to what programs they offer.

People in rural areas are not usually as worried about burglaries as people in cities. Some think residents of the country are even more vulnerable because there are no close neighbors. Still, there are those who are of the opinion that rural properties are less of a temptation to burglars.

Walls are excellent hiding spots. If you own small valuables that require protection, try hiding them in the walls. Just take advantage of the phone jack, electrical outlet or unused switch plate. A security store will sell fake plates you can install anywhere.

Do not hide your spare key under your doormat or in a nearby planter. You might think that you are providing yourself a safe way into the house if you misplace your keys, but you are really inviting attackers inside. Burglars always know just where to look. Ask a friend, neighbor or relative to keep your extra keys for you.

Be on the lookout for rotten wood anywhere near your doors or windows. Rotted wood can be easily removed by thieves. Always replace rotting wood with fresh wood immediately to keep your house strong and secure.

Before you think about home security, consider personal security and safety. Generic systems aren’t for everyone. Depending on your neighborhood and your household, you might well be better served by a reliable guard dog or self-defense training than by high-tech gadgetry. Know the risks so that you can make a better decision.

If you arrive home and you see that your door is ajar, never enter to investigate on your own. This is a delicate situation as the burglar might still be in your home. Call the cops and let them do the initial walk through.

Get a paper shredder. Your trash contains so much personal information a thief would love to have. Rip your important papers up before throwing them away if you can’t get a shredder.

You don’t need to rely on keys to prevent entry to certain areas of your home. You can have key-less locks which require a code. You can install these locks yourself or have them professionally installed.

Spring Latch

Don’t use locks of the spring latch variety. These are the easiest for criminals to open with a credit card. An intruder has only to press the card into the doorjamb between latch and the door and the lock will pop open. IF spring latch locks are already in place, add a deadbolt for that extra layer of security.

To stay sane, you must maintain good home security. There is no doubt about it. It’s not always easy to see how this should be done, that’s why this article has tips.