Your home is an incredibly large investment. In fact, it will most likely be the biggest investment you will ever make in your life. This is why it makes sense that you take the steps needed to keep it in good condition so it will be able to maintain its value. There are a wide variety of things that you will need to concern yourself with as a homeowner. One of the most important is in the basement of your home. This is where a lot of water will often seep in through the small cracks in your foundation. Water that is left unattended can be a breeding ground for mold. This could negatively impact the health of every person living in your home. Here are a few tips to hire a company that will waterproof your basement.
1. What is the company’s reputation?
It is vital that you have a very clear understanding of who you are dealing with before you allow people to start working in your home. You should find out how long the company has been involved in the waterproofing business. Have they operated in your area for many years? You need to do some research into their background to see if they have ever been sued by any of their clients. If so, what was the reason? Did they ever lose their license? Doing some digging will allow you to get a clearer picture of the way the company does business. You will then be able to make a more educated decision about hiring them.
2. Can the company begin waterproofing your basement soon?
One of the first things you should ask a company when you need basement waterproofing Erie PA is how fast they will be able to come to your home. You might have a serious water leakage issue that needs to be dealt with immediately. You cannot afford to wait around for several days. This is why you should only hire a waterproofing company that can start working within 24 hours.
3. Does the company charge competitive rates?
You need to avoid getting overcharged when you hire a basement waterproofing company. This is why you need to get in touch with a variety of other basement waterproofing companies in your area. Compare their prices and go with the company that gives you the most affordable price.