
Your Dream House

How You Unhook A Gas Dryer
Construction Kitchen

Unhooking a Gas Dryer – This Is How You Unhook A Gas Dryer

Unhooking a gas dryer is a tricky process. You’ll need to know how to turn off the gas and disconnect the exhaust pipes, as well as get the dryer away from the wall so you can work on it.

Unhooking a Gas Dryer

Before you begin, make sure to turn off the gas and unplug the dryer. Then, cut the gas line where it enters the dryer. Next, disconnecting the exhaust pipe from your dryer’s rear wall (or side panel) will give you access to its electrical connections. Unplug these as well before going any further. You can now remove four screws on either side of your dryer that hold its top or front panel in place—depending on which model you have—and lift off this piece carefully so that you don’t damage any wires underneath it.

Turn off the gas

To turn off the gas, you’ll need to turn the valve to the “off” position. Now make sure that all pilot lights are out. If any are still lit, you may want to use a small screwdriver or other narrow object to gently pull them down and out of the way so they don’t ignite accidentally when you start moving around in here with the tools later on.

Cut the gas line

You can use a hacksaw to cut the gas line free from the dryer. Be careful, though: the steel gas line is under pressure, so don’t get too close to it with your blade. If you want to be extra careful, you can use a pipe cutter instead. That way you’ll be able to measure exactly how much of your line needs cutting off in order for it to fit through your space without interfering with anything important (like other pipes).

If you’re feeling especially brave, there are also ways of removing an old hookup without any tools at all! But if we were going by personal experience here at Unhooked HQ, we’d say that using tool is probably easiest and least likely to cause injury or damage while still getting the job done quickly and safely

Disconnecting the dryer’s exhaust pipe

At this point, you should have the dryer removed from the wall. If there are any connections between the exhaust pipe and the dryer or wall that need to be disconnected, it is best to disconnect them now. The exhaust pipe connects directly to both sides of your dryer and shouldn’t be difficult to remove.

To disconnect your exhaust pipe from your gas line:

  • Make sure that all appliances in your home are turned off before beginning this process
  • Use a pair of pliers or channel-lock pliers if needed
  • Remove any screws holding the pipe in place

Remove the dryer from the wall

You’ll need to remove your dryer from the wall. To do this, pull out the clips that hold it in place and lift it off of the floor. Unhook any gas lines or ducting connected to your dryer and disconnect them from their respective ports on the back of the machine. Then, after you’ve removed all of these, take off any screws connecting it to your floor (if necessary).


If you have a gas dryer, it’s important to know how to unhook it. This will help ensure that your home is safe and sound in case of any potential issues with your dryer or its exhaust system. You should always contact a professional when you need assistance with this process but knowing what needs done is also important!