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Flower Planters for Sale

The modern market offers a huge selection of pots and planters that you just do not know what to choose from all this diversity. Fashion dictates its rules, and manufacturers follow it, making flower pots from different materials: ceramics, glass, stone, plastic and even metal. If you want to find only the best quality flower planters with the best modern design, then visit the site Getpotted.com. Here you will be pleasantly surprised by the affordable prices and wide assortment.

Metal pots are a retro style and they are extremely rare. Glass planters are a new trend of fashion. Now it is very popular to plant flowers in glass containers, cups and vases, filling free space with colored gel or making a sand collage. Through the glass is very easy to see the layers and the created pattern. But, nevertheless, a small part of all flower planters are plastic and ceramic pots. Sometimes our online store makes for its valued customers unique offers – flower planters for sale, this is a super opportunity to buy a wonderful stylish flower pot with a lower price.

There are several main factors for choosing the right flower planter. Design and price are not the only criteria. You need to remember that you are buying a pot for the comfort of the plant or flower, and not just for decorating your interior.


  • Plastic planter

The absence of porosity, which eliminates the subcooling of the root system due to evaporation. Plastic passes the sun’s rays good, and this is an important factor for plants with photosynthetic roots.

  • Clay planter

It wins on several positions: excellent ventilation (porosity allows the plant to breathe) and natural thermoregulation. For example, if you accidentally flooded a plant, evaporation here will regulate humidity. Pottery instantly reacts to temperature changes: in winter the soil cools quickly in it, and heats up in the heat season. And on the surface is often the salt contained in the water.

  • Wooden planter

Wooden planters are often used for seasonal planting, as they have good thermal insulation properties. However, in itself such a pot is short-lived and will require an early replacement.


In low pots, you can grow plants with small bulbs, or tuber plants with a superficial root system. Vases of non-standard shapes, of course, decorate the room, but nothing good colors do not give. Flowers die either from stagnation of moisture, or from drought. During the transplant, too, many problems arise. Polygonal and square vases – are an acceptable option because the roots will use the volume to the maximum.


The volume parameter must correspond to the size of the specific root system. In a too large pot, the flower will be uncomfortable. In addition, if you fill the plant, the soil will just turn sour, the water and air regime will be violated, and the flower will not bloom, and in the worst case it will simply begin to decay and even could die.

Ornamental flowerpot

There is such a thing as ornamental flowerpot. From French it means “a hidden pot” and is used as a decorative element. They are installed pots, which externally have an unattractive design. The ornamental flowerpots can have the most incredible and stunning design and could be made from any material, mainly plastic, wood, ceramics, and frost-resistant materials, so that they can be used in gardens in the winter. The drawback of such pots is that it will accumulate water flowing from the pots placed inside, and you will have to constantly pour it out. This type of pot has its advantages, but now many growers use it, more often, as a decorative element.

Hi, I am Alex; I am an entrepreneur, father, mentor, and adventurer passionate about life. At this moment, I am working with home and decor.