The purchase of a house is most likely the largest single purchase you’ll ever make, so you won’t want to make any mistakes. When it comes to being a savvy buyer, there are loads of things you can do to equip yourself with the right questions and knowledge when you begin viewing properties. Having a checklist will help you to steadily check room by room and identify any problems that could come between you and your dream home.
Do lots of research – Always invest some time in finding out all you can about a property and its surrounding area. You can find a wealth of information online about house prices by using the postcode. If you’re going to be living in an area for years to come, you’ll want to know what the amenities are and things like school details and crime levels. Even if you don’t have children yet, the quality of local schools has a huge impact on house prices. Should you decide to have children in the future, you’d hate to find yourself stuck on the wrong side of town for the school you really want.
Make sure you visit the neighbourhood at various times of day and night and on different days of the weeks. Areas can change depending on the time of the day, with rush hour traffic, school pick-ups and neighbours coming home with lorries or large vans etc. You’ll be glad you did if it identifies some issues that wouldn’t otherwise have been obvious to you.
When it comes to the property itself, you’ll need to ensure that everything is in a good condition or will it require extensive redecoration or repair work before you can move in? This will undoubtedly impact the price you offer as you’ll need to factor in the cost of any repair work or restoration. Perhaps the house only requires a little updating, such as new doors and windows? For Double Glazed Doors Company Evesham, visit
It’s important to check for signs of damp or discolouration on internal walls. Also, be aware of any furniture that’s been pushed right up against a wall as it could be a ruse to disguise any damp patches or mould. Look at the ceilings, check behind large pieces of furniture and even under the kitchen sink for evidence of leaks and water damage. Don’t be afraid to ask to look in the loft, ask about the water tank and check outside piping and insulation levels.
Leave no stone unturned and you won’t get shocked by any nasty surprises when it’s time to move in. Ask heaps of questions and be sure you know exactly what is included in the sale and what isn’t. It’s also a great idea to take lots of photos on your phone so you don’t have to rely on memory alone for such an important decision.