Peanut butter jars are great for storing small items, but eventually you’ll have to clean your peanut butter jar. You can wash most peanut butter jars in the dishwasher or by hand. If your container has a paper label, you should remove it before washing. Remove any stickers from the jar using a knife or other sharp object. Then wash the jar with hot water and soap in a sink or dishwasher. After washing, use a bottle brush to clean out any remaining residue on the inside of the container and dry completely before putting anything else inside (or eating!).
Remove any paper stickers
Once the lid is off, you can remove any stickers that were on the jar. This can be as simple as peeling them off or scraping them off with a knife or butter knife. If they’re stubborn, try using a spoon to scrape them away.
Wash it in hot water
After you’ve emptied the peanut butter jar and rinsed it out, fill it with hot water. The hot water will help to dissolve any oils or sticky residue on the inside of the jar and make cleaning easier. You can do this by hand, or if you have a dishwasher, place your empty peanut butter jar in there for cleaning. If you don’t have a dishwasher available to you, simply wash out your empty peanut butter jar by hand using hot soapy water until all remnants of peanut butter are gone from inside of the container. A sponge may also be helpful in removing any leftover bits of food that remain inside after washing with soap and water.
Use a bottle brush
To clean the jar, you can use a bottle brush. A bottle brush is a brush with long bristles that are designed to clean inside bottles. You can also use a regular dishwashing brush or scrubber that has rigid plastic bristles. If you don’t have any of these items on hand, it’s not the end of the world! You can use even just hot water and soap in lieu of them—you’ll just need more time for this method because it involves manually scrubbing all parts of the container before rinsing out residual soap and other debris.
When using hot water to clean your peanut butter jar, make sure it doesn’t exceed 200 F/93 C or else there may be some damage to delicate inner components like glassware containers might experience if they weren’t made specifically for high temperatures (which most household containers aren’t).
Use baking soda for tough stains
Baking soda is a mild abrasive that can be used to remove stains from your peanut butter jar.
To clean a peanut butter jar with baking soda:
- Empty the contents of your jar into another container, then wash it out with warm water and soap if there’s any residue left behind. If not, proceed directly to step 2.
- Add 1/4 cup of baking soda to the empty jar and swirl it around until all sides are covered in powder (you’ll probably need more than one round). Let stand for about 30 minutes for the mixture to fizz away any oils or grease on its surface; rinse off with warm water immediately after rinsing off all of the powdery residue (this will keep any leftover mess from sticking).
Wash the jar after using any cleaning solution
After you’ve washed the jar with soap and hot water, use a bottle brush to clean it thoroughly. If the jar still has tough stains, such as those caused by peanut butter or jam, sprinkle baking soda over them and let sit overnight before washing again with soap and hot water.
After using any cleaning solution on your empty peanut butter jar, be sure to wash out any remaining residue with soap and hot water so that you don’t stick up another food product in your kitchen!
Wipe down the exterior of the jar
- Remove the lid from your empty peanut butter jar, and wipe down its exterior with a damp cloth or paper towel.
- Rinse the exterior of the jar with water to remove any remaining peanut butter residue or oils from your skin, which could potentially cause discoloration in future uses of the container.
Use a vinegar mixture for tough smells
When it comes to removing smells, vinegar is a good place to start. Vinegar is an excellent all-purpose cleaner that can be used for cleaning almost any surface in the home. If you have a jar with a lingering odor, add some white vinegar and water and let it sit overnight. The next morning, pour out the liquid and rinse the jar thoroughly before drying it off with a towel or paper towel.
To make this process go even more smoothly, add a drop of dish soap to your mixture before soaking your container in it. This will help break down stubborn stains on the inside of your glassware as well as keep odors at bay!
A peanut butter jar is a great container for storing small items. You can use it to store paper clips, loose change and other items around your house. Cleaning an empty peanut butter jar is not difficult, just follow the steps above and you’ll be good to go!